Ehsan Sabaghian

Ph.D. Candidate
337 Hinds Hall

I am a Ph.D. Candidate in Information Science and Technology at School of Information Studies (iSchool), Syracuse University, NY.

Before that, I was VP of Business Development at Cyber Inspectors™ LLC, Burlington, M.A. from June 2011-2013. I received my 2nd Master in Information Technology Management from Clark University, M.A. in August 2012.

Over my career, as an information systems expert, I have +9 years experience in different IS disciplines and have been SME in 15 big IT projects in different areas such as: strategic information systems planning, system analyze and modeling, enterprise information architecture, technology management adoption and implementation, IT project management, e-Commerce and e-Business development, data analysis and IT risk and security management.

I received my 1st Master degree in 2007 in Information Systems form Azad University, Tehran, Iran and defended my thesis as titled: Strategic Information Systems Planning (SISP) based on Information Ecology Theory, which was recognized as the best thesis of academic year. My Bachelor degree is in business management with industrial management focus from Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

I have +7 years teaching experience as university instructor for undergraduate and graduate students, I wrote few articles and translate one handbook (to Persian) on social informatics back in 2009.

As a member of ASIS&T and AIS, my research interests derive from these intellectual communities: information systems, socio-technical theories and organizational studies (institutional theory).


As for my research, in a broader sense, I am interested n the mutual constitution of digital technologies and their informational and social contexts. I study this constitutive process, drawing on socio-technical, information systems and institutional theories using qualitative and quantitative research methods.

Currently, my research focuses on 3 areas:

  1. Integration patterns of smart-grid technologies in electricity distribution industry (with a focus on distributed energy resources). More info at the Smart Grid Research Center.
  2. Air-quality citizen-sensing projects as infrastructure for social action and civic engagement
  3. Infrastructure studies; perspectives, constructs, theories, methods, and design
  • IST 654 – Information Systems Analysis and Design
  • IST 305 – Globalization; Collaboration, Culture, Systems and Data
  • GET 305 – Globalization, IT and Culture
  • Knowledge Management; Theory and Practice
  • Cyber Security; Standards, Regulations and Ethics
  • Cyber Security CAPSTONE
  • Reading, Collaborative Research, Traveling, Hiking and Camping, Soccer, Learning New Languages, Meeting New Places and New People, Calligraphy and Playing Chess.