You’re in the final stretch of your sophomore year. Whether you’re excited to kick off the new semester or maybe just want to get through it, registering for the Sophomore Overnight Retreat will help you end the year right. Here are the top five reasons you should register now!

1. It’s a free trip

You literally have nothing to lose and everything to gain on this weekend trip. The iSchool covers your food cost, transportation, and lodging. There will be extra snacks in between activities and a late night movie for you and your friends. We leave Saturday afternoon (you don’t have to wake up early) and get back early Sunday afternoon, in time for you to cheer on Otto and our men’s basketball team in their battle against Boston College.

ischool_students2. You’re with your friends

This trip is a great chance for you to hang out with your friends and make new friends. Many of the people in your classes and program will enter the workforce with you. On this trip, you’ll experience some of the same team building exercises that can happen in a workplace. By building and growing relationships, you’re practicing invaluable networking skills that will help you as you start to look for internships and summer jobs. As a class, you and your peers share experiences that are unique to your class. Coming together as a class to share experiences will not only help you in the long run but also make this experience more enjoyable. Life can be hard – having friends along for the ride makes it easier.

3. You can prep for the new semester

Set the pace for the New Year. Whether you’re looking to get involved or to pick up the pace from last semester, this retreat is the place to start. It is hard to plan your semester without a starting point. At the retreat, we’ll build a solid base where you can determine the direction you want to go. Where is your passion? What are your options? Who do you want to intern for? We’ll explore these areas through different activities as you decide your next move. Where else can you get the hands on assistance at your pace?

ischool_students24. You’re among the best and brightest of professionals

You’ll hear from professionals who not only are good at what they do but also like what they do. Sometimes it is hard to hear from professionals who aren’t interested and want to just get through the presentation. Throughout the weekend you’ll meet professionals and peer mentors who love to share their insights. Learn how to not get lost in the shuffle of internship interviews and become the standout applicant with unique skills. Want the best internship? We’ll explore what makes a good internship vs. a great internship. With their advice, you can avoid silly mistakes and take bigger but more educated chances in moving the direction you want to go.

5. You’ll miss out on a lot if you don’t go

We have a lot planned, but sometimes the best things that happened in life were unplanned. If you remember the spontaneous hangout sessions with your friends, or maybe a decision you made because you needed a change, these were risks that you felt like taking. At the time, you didn’t know the outcome. Maybe you should have been working on homework and maybe even though you wanted a change, it was easier to play it safe. Don’t. Don’t miss out. Join us for a weekend of friends, learning, and growing. You’ll never have to wonder what you miss if you register now.