With so many things happening in today’s world and even more ways to follow them using technology, keeping on top of current events isn’t easy. For people curious about which app will help you follow the news, see which of the following three fits your needs the best:

Breaking News

Breaking News – This app is for fast, busy people who still want to stay up to date. It draws its info from “hundreds of news sources” that are edited in real-time by a team of journalists. It also has an active twitter feed, so users can follow the account and view the most recent tweets directly. The app allows your to select a topic (for example, all stories on the subject “economy”) and let’s users see all economy-based tweets). The most useful aspect, however, is that ongoing news stories (such as the protests in Syria) are all listed together and viewable by the specific subject. This means people can immediately see what’s important and how it’s developed over an specific timeframe.


Sky Grid

 Sky Grid – Sky Grid is best suited for users that already have prior knowledge or passion for current events, as it presents the most information of all three and can be overwhelming. It organizes its stories in three ways: Top Stories for everything new, sections for general or more specific areas, and subjects the user has specifically chosen. With all this available information, overload is a high risk for the unprepared. But Sky Grid also offers a very useful feature: instant sharing to either Facebook or Twitter. A simple click to one of two buttons spreads the word to friends and followers instantly.



Pulse – Pulse is unique since it does the best job of making current events more interesting and easier to get involved in, as it acts as an personalized aggregator. Pulse focuses on letting users chose specific sources of news that they access on the home screen. And like Sky Grid, stories can be quickly shared on social media. Pulse offers an extremely wide array of choices, from official papers, exclusively online sites, comic strips, or even a user’s Facebook feed. Pulse is also set apart by the impeccable interface, which is responsive, clean, and beautiful even when just flipping through stories. For people who want an intuitive and easy way to observe their news, Pulse is an excellent choice.  There are also similar apps, like Flipboard and Zite.

 Have any comments or know of other good apps for following the news? Share in the comments!