By: Diane Stirling
(315) 443-8975

A sampling of #140cuse was presented to students, faculty and community members at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) as the School of Information Studies (iSchool) faculty and staff, along with #140Conf founder Jeff Pulver, took to the road to offer the kind of 10-minute “burst” presentations that will be featured at the Syracuse University-hosted 140-characters conference.

Pulver and the iSchool crew are repeating the show for another audience tonight (Wednesday, April 4), when they take the program to Hamilton College, in Clinton, NY. That event is slated at 7:00 p.m. in the Red Pit at the Kirner-Johnson Building, and is open to students and the public.

The #140Cuse Conference, slated April 19 at the Schine Student Center at Syracuse University, is the first 140 Characters conference to be hosted on a university campus. Registration opens at 8:00 a.m., and the conference continues from 9:00 a.m. through 5:15 p.m. Ten-minute presentations take place all day, along with 20-minute panel discussions.  The event features a number of noted social media strategists and communicators, including Pulver (@jeffpulver);  Sean Keeley (@NunesMagician);  Beth Beck (@bethbeck) from NASA; Lauren Bertolini (@mslaurenrae) from Gawker Media; Tim Pool (@timcast) from Occupy Wall Street; and representatives of Bravo TV; Yale University;; and several others.

According to the #140Cuse web site, “#140cuse will expose you to the power the real-time web has to disrupt businesses, change lives and create serendipity. You will leave with a fresh outlook on how the real time web can be used in your business and/or personal life to do something meaningful.”

More information on #140Cuse, including the schedule and speakers, is available at: