For most tech gurus, “wearables” is a familiar yet equally foreign term. We all like to say we know what wearable technology is, while perhaps simultaneously not knowing exactly what it does. Most of us also do not know of its true potential in the future.

When wearable tech is viewed from a general perspective, most wonder how it can reshape our current society.  Aside from the potential practical and technical changes, Boutique Closet, an online news platform, shared the impact wearable tech can have on web design.

Since web design can be considered a profession dependent on trends, a new and upcoming technological trend will provide an almost guaranteed impact through a variety of angles. For any web designer, these five features are key for a user-friendly wearable interface:


1. Responsive Design and Interactivity

In order to compliment innovative hardware, the design of any website or application should be equally original. By implementing responsive design, the wearable interface will require the user to interact with the device, providing a more unique experience.

As most contemporary websites are responsive, it is almost expected that a wearable interface will be more uniquely interactive. So when it comes to  wearable technology, responsive design can require designers to take a brand-new approach.

 2. Intuitive Design and Content

Most users do not want to dig around to find what they are looking for. By establishing a natural flow in both design and content, the user experience can improve drastically. Even though it will take longer to develop an intuitive site, it is a key feature in design to cater effectively to an audience by grasping and retaining their attention.


3. Instant Gratification

The current teenage-to-20-something generation wants all information at their fingertips. And they want it now.

When web interfaces are designed, latency should be carefully avoided, because a delay of mere seconds can shy away potential lifelong consumers. Though such standards can be considered excessive and improbable to satisfy,  they can make a tremendous impact.

4. Minimalism

When your viewable interfaces are inches long and wide, there is no room for overwhelming and impressive design. Another current trend of design is minimalism, a “less is more” approach highlighting content rather than drowning it with bold colors and unique fonts. A minimalist approach to web design can truly benefit the user’s experience by making a device functional, not frustrating.

5. Larger Text


Sony SmartWatch

A feature that is often overlooked, larger text in a computing environment is always desired regardless of user age. If a user views a web page using a wearable device, the text cannot be the same size as in an interface for a computer (or  everyone would be squinting from trying to read small text on their small devices). When designing for a wearable interface, the distance between the device and the user should also be considered.

In The Future

Currently, most wearable devices are worn on the wrist as smart watches or bracelets. Since the screen for that use should remain small, the text size should become appropriately larger.

Wearable technology has become recognized by a strong online presence over the past couple of years. In the upcoming decade, Pew Research Center Internet Project claims wearables will share a huge technological growth and application.

When looking at trends similar to this one, it can only be suggested that this innovative technology has the impact to mold pre-existing design professions through its unique design requirements and features.

Should web designers change their styling techniques to cater to this trend? Please leave your comments here!